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What we believe in
Our vision is to be a leading provider recognized for our commitment to client success, community impact, and the personal and professional development of our employees.

Quanticall, a telemarketing sales firm in Syracuse, New York, partners with businesses nationwide to provide scalable remote customer service and sales support across all industries, offering services like inbound/outbound calls, chat, email, and more. We collaborate with our partners to create custom scripts and solutions, aiming to align interests and grow together.

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We offer custom mailer campaigns to reach clients, appointment setting for easy scheduling, and support through email, chat, and text for quick, personalized help. Plus, we provide top-notch customer service, an answering service, and consulting to keep your contact center running smoothly.

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What we are best at
appointment setting
If your business relies on a 'one call close' system, then you know how critical it is to set the right expectations for every scheduled appointment. Failure to do so can lead to lost sales. We understand the importance of setting the right expectations for every scheduled appointment for your sales team.
mailer campaigns
We will create a direct mail campaign for your target market and manage the sales calls it creates. Our high class phone agents will delight each one of your customers with friendly, efficient and professional service that will make your brand stand out.
email, chat, & text
By outsourcing your email and chat campaigns to us, you can save time and resources while improving your customer engagement and driving results. Our team is committed to helping you achieve your business goals and providing your customers with exceptional support every step of the way.
If your in-house team needs some ‘work’ - bring us in to revamp your call center with direct plans, custom scripts and development guides to ensure your marketing dollars are getting the most bang for their buck.
customer service
Our team of experienced customer service professionals can handle your customer inquiries promptly and efficiently, ensuring a positive customer experience. We use advanced customer support tools and techniques to ensure that all customer inquiries are resolved quickly and accurately.
answering service
Our team is located in different time zones, allowing us to provide support 24/7. We understand that every minute counts in business, and our goal is to provide prompt and efficient support to keep your customers happy and your business thriving.

Empowering Call Center Agents: The Positive Impact of AI on Operations

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming industries worldwide, including the call center sector. Far from replacing human agents, AI technology is working alongside them to improve customer service, streamline processes, and boost overall performance. This article will explore the positive impact of AI on call center operations and discuss how AI tools can empower agents to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

How the Right Technology and People Can Double Your Revenue

Imagine having the ability to double your revenue by making a few strategic decisions. Sounds enticing, right? With the correct combination of technology and people, your business can unlock exponential growth, reaching new heights of success. In this article, we will explore how investing in the right technology and assembling a highly-skilled team can help you achieve this ambitious goal.






